Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Summer Everyone!
I hope you're all having as great a time as I am; it's especially great because of all the awesome stuff I have to show you. totally awesome stuff.

Being a conscious consumer I am a huge (HUGE) fan of small businesses because of the low carbon footprint (a.k.a. a leaner, more tightly-run business that doesn't leave as much of a mess behind as bigger companies do). Therefore, my newly acquired items pack a double punch because they are eco-friendly and fairly traded.


There is a store in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, where my lake house is, called Stay Tuned. My family and I always referred to it as "the hippie store" because of it's eclectic mix of products. It's a funky little place with tons of old records, jewelry, clothing, and other items that easily fall under the term "earthy-crunchy". 

Now if there's one unnecessary and misguiding phrase I'm trying to get rid of it's that. However, sometimes backpacks made of recycled rice sacks by Nepalese women don't allow one to easily escape such a title...but that's okay, I'm over it.

And, what kind of eco-activist would I be if I didn't have the quintessential "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" button pinned proudly on my hemp bag? 

But anyway, like I said, this socially/environmentally conscious store pleasantly surprised me when I learned the owner goes to Indonesia and Nepal, where he buys his products from the women, twice a year to collect them as well as visit them. This inspiring man has done a world of good in Southeast Asia by starting humanitarian organizations, such as this fair trade agreement, on top of schools and other projects that benefit the struggling citizens.

After he told me about the bags, he conveniently mentioned the baskets full of these headbands, made by the women in Bali, by using scraps of fabric, so that there is...get this... 

I don't know if anyone else finds that as exciting as I do, but I almost passed out. 

 So, the moral of the story, is that although many sustainable products can be found right around the corner, I personally believe that some of the best are the ones lying just off the beaten path, and are well worth looking for

Peace, Love, and Sustainable Rice Bags! <3

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