Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Modal Citizen

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay... I've finally got back on the blog train after a long time away; that daily grind, man. 

Anyway, I've got some more to share with you people, so I hope you enjoy. 

Modal, modal, modal. It's most likely the comfiest material out there, and has many names: tencell, seacell or lyocell. 

It just happens to be what I'm draped in at the moment, as well.

The keyword here is "cell", as I've mentioned in a previous post, it's made from beach-wood pulp through a somewhat chemically intensive rayon process. 

It feels, looks, and breathes like silk. No, but really. 

Guess what? This awesome textile is also 100% BIODEGRADABLE. 

...that's a good thing.

Just like my plant;)

It's not hard to figure out which materials are eco-friendly or not. Just check the label while you're shopping around. 

Believe me, you do want to know what you're wearing on your body day in and day out, just as much as you want to know how much it costs...which leads me to my next point:

These garments are not particularly cheap. What I'm wearing I find at discount stores like Century 21 (which is where my Natural Life top is from) or other warehouse/outlet malls.

Seriously, they are the GREATEST place in the world. 

Well-made, eco-friendly, otherwise expensive boutique labels with sky-high prices that are chopped in half once they trickle-down to our poor, humble level (joke...sort of). 

Here they are, those beauties. 
Natural Life top from Century 21 and Alice & Olivia brown ribbed leggings made of Modal. 
In all their eco-friendly glory. Ahhh...

And Made in the USA, which indicates that there is a good chance it was ethically manufactured; so no cheap labor and inhumane conditions or unfair pay. 

There ya go. Sustainability once again. Was that so hard? 

Also- if you're enjoying my blog and find it helpful (or not so helpful) I appreciate any NICE, RESPECTFUL comments. Feedback and communication is always appreciated!

Btw- check him out. You're welcome.

Til then,
Peace, Love and Sustainable Fashion y'all<3

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